Click on the concurrent session title below to view all of the abstracts for that session. Plenary session information is provided in the online schedule’s session description, and poster presentation abstracts are provided elsewhere.
Session 2D: Designing Cancer Interventions for Diverse Populations (Invited)
Thursday, 22 October 2015, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Salon BC
2D-1 – Beginning with the End in Mind: The Kin Keeper Cancer Prevention
Karen Patricia Williams
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Abstract: The Kin KeeperSM Cancer Prevention Intervention follows the human ecological perspective, which views an individual woman, her health and development, and the health and development of her family, in the context of physical, psychological, social, and cultural environments. Environments are often described as nested and are depicted as concentric circles from proximal to distal, including individual, family, and community. Environments can enhance or limit the potential for health and positive growth and development. An ecological perspective calls attention to relationships between persons and their family and community, and transactions that occur among them. Kin KeeperSM uses a conceptual framework based on the premise that the natural ways women communicate various health messages to females in their families (mother, daughter, grandmother, sister and aunt) can be used to influence them to engage in cancer prevention and screening behaviors. The intervention uses the trusted relation between community health workers and their clients to deliver a cancer prevention and control education in the homes of female family. Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will gain a different perspective of translational research. 2. Participants will understand how to unleash the talents of the community References: 1. Williams, K.P., Templin, T.N. Kin KeeperSM: Bringing the Real World to Psychometric Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Literacy Assessments with Black, Latina and Arab Women. Journal of Cancer Education. 28, 738-743, 2013. 2. Roman, L., Meghea, C., Ford, S., Penner, L., Hamade, H., Estes, T., Williams, K.P. Determinants of Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening among Black, Latina and Arab Women. Journal of Women’s Health 23, 57-64, 2014.
2D-2 – Optimizing Patient Encounters to Reduce Disparities in Women of Color: Intervention Strategies and Approaches
Vanessa B. Sheppard1, Karen Patricia Williams2
1Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, 2College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Abstract: Optimizing Patient Encounters to Reduce Disparities in Women of Color: Research and Intervention Approaches Despite medical advances, underserved minority women in general and African American women in particular, have worse breast outcomes compared to non-Hispanic Whites. Multiple and complex factors impact outcomes, however, adherence to treatment can improve outcomes. Data however, are limited about successful intervention strategies to reduce disparities after a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. This presentation will provide an overview of observational and intervention strategies aimed to understand and reduce disparate outcomes in underserved women of color. Examples of patient-centered interventions will be described with an emphasis on the relevance of approaches for various women of color. Learning Objectives: After the presentation attendees will be able to: 1. Identify key areas treatment-related disparities. 2. Describe strategies to optimize patient-provider treatment encounters. References: 1. Disparities in Breast Cancer Surgery Delay: The Lingering Effect of Race. Sheppard VB, Oppong BA, Hampton R, Snead F, Horton S, Hirpa F, Brathwaite EJ, Makambi K, Onyewu S, Boisvert M, Willey S. 21. 2. Narrowing racial gaps in breast cancer chemotherapy initiation: the role of the patient-provider relationship. Sheppard VB, Isaacs C, Luta G, Willey SC, Boisvert M, Harper FW, Smith K, Horton S, Liu MC, Jennings Y, Hirpa F, Snead F, Mandelblatt JS. 3. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 May;139(1):207-16. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2520-3. Epub 2013 Apr 16.